Which programming is best for what propose ?

In this blog we are going to learn which programming is best for what propose. There are hundreds of different programming languages in the market. Some of the most popular programming language are discussed in this tutorials which are widely used for different purpose.


Java is a most popular programming language for android app. It is a object oriented programming language which is based in class. We can make android, Web, Desktop and also used in Big data. Java is best for android app. It's a primary language for Android development.

Best for

-Android Apps
-Desktop Apps
-Web App
-Big data


C++ is OOP language. This programming language is a best for building applications such as, games, operating system. Application that works directly with computer hardware or deals with application development that other programming is not efficient.

Best for

-Operating System
-Embedded system


C# is object oriented programming language which is c-based language, So it makes the two syntaxes similar. Developer uses brackets to segment coding structure. It is considered as easy programming as compare to the java. Using C# we can create almost anything but it is best for building games, system and IOT.

Best for

-Game Development
-System Programming
-IOT and Real Time System


Javascript is a object oriented programming language. It is used both on the client and server which allows to make website interactive. It is consider best for developing the website but we can make cross platform mobile application with using different frameworks. We can made server application as well as web servers.

Best for

-Web And Apps
-Server Application
-Web Servers
-Mobile Application


Python is most popular programming language, which is interpreted, high-level and general purpose programming language. Python is best for data analysis, visualization, machine learning. Python also best for web application development using different frame works.

Best for

-Machine Learning
-Web app
-Data Visualization
-Data Science


Swift is a general purpose programming language developed by Apple Inc. Swift is powerful programming language for developing the IOS app, Deep learning, and IOT.  Swift is also used in develop macOS, IOS, watchOS, tvOS.

Best for

-Deep Learning
-Ios App


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