The Ampersand (&) itself is not a CSS feature. But it is a very useful feature in SCSS. SCSS is a preprocessor scripting language that is interpreted or compiled into CSS.

 The ampersand (&) is used while we need to nest the classes.

Basic Nesting in SCSS


The above example compiled to CSS and look like this

    .outerClass .innerClass{}

You can be nested even deeper but keep it simple it is best practice to make one level deep.

Multilevel nested SCSS:


The output of the above example code

    .outerClass .innerClass .innerOne .deepInner {


Nesting by using an ampersand (&)

- & is very important when creating more specific selecotor
- & refers to the parent selector in case of nesting.

        .outer-class {
            &.inner-class {color:#ddd}


    .outer-class.inner-class {
    color: #ddd;

-& remove the code repetition

    .link {
        &:visited {  color: red; }
        &:hover {  color: red; }
        &:active {color:red; }

After compiled to CSS

    .link:visited {
        color: red;

    .link:hover {
        color: red;

    .link:active {
        color: red;


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