JavaScript's void(0): A Comprehensive Guide

In JavaScript, the void operator is a unary operator that is used to evaluate an expression and return undefined. It is often used in combination with the void(0) expression, which is a common way to obtain the undefined value in JavaScript.

But what is the void(0) expression used for, and when should it be used in your JavaScript code? In this blog post, we'll take a look at the void(0) expression and some of the practical applications it has.

What is the void(0) Expression?

The void(0) expression is a way to obtain the undefined value in JavaScript. It is written as the void operator followed by the undefined value inside parentheses.

For example:

console.log(void 0);  // undefined

console.log(void(0)); // undefined

Both of these expressions will output undefined to the console.

When to Use void(0)

So, when should you use the void(0) expression in your JavaScript code? Here are a few situations where it can be useful:

Hiding the undefined Value

One of the main uses of void(0) is to hide the undefined value when it is returned by a function.

Canceling a Link's Default Behavior

Another common use of void(0) is to cancel the default behavior of a link in HTML. For example, consider the following link:

<a href="#" onclick="doSomething(); return false;">Click me</a>

This link will call the doSomething function when it is clicked, and it will also prevent the default behavior of the link (which is to navigate to the specified URL).

The return false statement is commonly used to cancel the default behavior of a link, but it can also be written as void(0):

<a href="#" onclick="doSomething(); return void(0);">Click me</a>

Both of these examples will call the doSomething function and prevent the default behavior of the link.

Ensuring a Function Returns undefined

Finally, you can use void(0) to ensure that a function returns the undefined value. For example:

function doSomething() {

  // Do something

  return void(0);


This function will always return undefined, regardless of what happens inside the function.


In summary, the void(0) expression is a way to obtain the undefined value in JavaScript. It can be useful for hiding the undefined value when it is returned by a function, canceling the default behavior of a link, and ensuring that a function returns undefined. While it may not be a commonly used feature of JavaScript, understanding void(0) can help you write more effective and efficient code.


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